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    Video Cloud Basics: Adding a User to a Video Cloud Account

    In this topic you will learn how to add a user to a Video Cloud account.


    1. Login to Video Cloud Studio.
    2. In the primary navigation, open the Media module, and then User Management. Note that the Admin menu is only available to users with the Administrator role.
    3. Click + Add user.
    4. Enter the Email, First Name and Last Name of the user.
    5. Assign a Role to the user:
      • Administrator - User has access to the ADMIN menu
      • Standard - User does not have access to the ADMIN menu
    6. Select the modules the user has access to. Turning off modules limits which sections of Studio the user has access to.
    7. Click Save.

    The user will receive an email message stating that they have been added to the account. The body of the page lists all users that have access to the account.

    Page last updated on 07 Apr 2022