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    Video Cloud Basics: Styling a Player

    In this topic you will learn how to style players using the Players module.



    1. In the primary navigation, open the Players module.
    2. Click on the player name to style.
    3. Click Styling in the left navigation.
    4. Choose to show or hide the title and description.
    5. Select a Play Button Shape and Play Button Position.
      icon color
    6. Click a theme color to open the color picker.
    7. Click a color on the ride side of the control.
    8. Click in the square to select a shade of the desired color.
      icon color
    9. The slider below the color square can be used to set the opacity of the controls.
    10. Click outside of the color picker to modify another theme color.
    11. Changes made to a player MUST be published before they will appear in published players. To publish the changes, click Publish & Embed and then Publish Changes.

    Page last updated on 17 May 2022