Engagement sessions over time metrics allows you to determine the engagement of your audience with the service provided. With this information, you can create communication strategies for different groups of viewers to ensure that they come back for more.
Sessions over time
Engagement sessions over time metrics allows you to see the new, engaged, re-engaged, and the average duration in minutes data.
Quickly view a summary of sessions over time data.

Review usage trends data:
- New - Users with a view in the last week but none in the last year
- Engaged - Users with multiple views in the last month. Views may not have gaps longer than 28 days from previous views
- Re-engaged - Users with a view in the last week, but no views in the prior four weeks
- Average duration - Average duration in minutes per session
Here are the actions that are available for this graph.
to download data as a CSV file or a PNG image.
Select a date range for your data.
Select the x-axis granularity to be Day, Week or Month.
- Check
to automatically change the x-axis dimension to day.
Milestones track progress against your decisions and are persistent throughout each tab of the Scorecard.

Here are the actions that are available for the milestones section.
to add a new milestone.
to delete or edit a milestone.
to select which views to show.