Live Video Glossary

| -A- | -B- | -C- | -D- | -E- | -F- | -G- | -H- | -I- | -J- | -K- | -L- | -M- | -N- | -O- | -P- | -Q- | -R- | -S- | -T- | -U- | -V- | -W- | -X- | -Y- | -Z- |


Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) Streaming
 A method of video streaming over the Internet, primarily over HTTP, where the source content is encoded at multiple bitrates, then each bit rate streams are segmented into smaller chunks of data. Depending on the available bandwidth, the quality of the media delivered to the client can improve or degrade; thus the Adaptive part.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
This is a specification for the symmetric key encryption (where both communicating ends have the same encryption key) of electronic data established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It is part of Stream Security. AES is usually followed by a number, such as AES-128 or AES-256, which refer to the cipher block size in bits. The higher the number, the more secure the encryption is.


The number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time.


Cloud DVR
Saving of the live stream video in the Brightcove cloud for an identified period of time.
Cloud Transcoding
Taking the process of transcoding (converting a video file from one format to another) through a SaaS platform.
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
A system of distributed servers (sometimes referred to as edge servers) that deliver content to a user, based on the geographic location of the user, the origin and the content delivery server. CDNs save bandwidth at the core network while serving the content faster to users.
A Live Cuepoint resource starts an ad break in the broadcast video stream.


Digital Rights Management (DRM)
It is a technology that is used by content providers to control how video files are used and distributed, preventing unauthorized redistribution of digital media and restrict the ways consumers can copy content they've purchased.


The process of converting a media source or format to a different format that suits different screen sizes and video quality.


Geo restriction
A form of technological protection measure where access to Internet content is restricted based upon the user's geographical location on the player or CDN level. It is part of Stream Security.


Hardware Encoder
Hardware encoders are dedicated processors that use a designed algorithm to encode video and data into streamable content. These encoders can come in smaller, portable boxes or larger permanent fixtures. It is part of Encoding.
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
Internet-based media adaptive streaming communication protocol implemented by Apple Inc as part of its QuickTime, Safari, OS X, and iOS software. HLS is similar to MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming (DASH). In the Live module, the number that accompanies HLS (such as hls-720p) refers to the resolution (the higher the number the higher the resolution).


Ingest Point
The act of consuming video that is sent from a broadcaster in the live backend.
The process of capturing, transferring, or importing video, audio, still images, and metadata to your computer's hard disk, which creates media files.


Live Streaming
The Streaming of a Live video online to many viewers at one time.
The delay between the camera capturing the event, and the event being displayed to the viewers. Some causes of delay are: Encoding, Segment size (the amount of time used to create a segment), Network latency, Ingest and Encryption.


The Open NAND Flash Interface - creates compatibility and interoperability of NAND (the most popular kind of flash memory) devices from different vendors, allowing data to be transferred seamlessly from any flash memory component to other parts of the system or to a remote destination.


The process of having excess or duplicate video streams that can continue to perform in the event of malfunction of some of the parts.
Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)
RTMP protocol was designed for high-performance transmission of audio, video, and data between Adobe Flash Platform technologies.
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
It is a network protocol for delivering audio and video over IP networks. RTP is used in communication and entertainment systems that involve streaming media, such as telephony and video teleconference applications. RTP is designed for end-to-end, real-time transfer of streaming media.


Software Encoder
Software encoders are programs that run on a computing device like your laptop or desktop computer. Unlike hardware encoders, these can be easily updated when a new version or upgrade is available. Even though these can lack overall latency speed that hardware encoders can have. It is part of Encoding.
Single sign-on (SSO)
It is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials (e.g., name and password) to access multiple applications.
Stream security
Precautions to ensure external parties can’t get access to the live stream.
Slide Synchronization
Automatically record and sync slides with live stream video with no post-production required.
Static Entry Point (SEP)
Allows for a long-running live job that can be activated and deactivated while keeping the entry point URLs and playback URLs static and re-usable. This feature allows customers to configure their encoder in their facilities or the field and allows the customer to create their own scheduling logic for live channels or programs.
Secure Reliable Transport (SRT)
It is an open-source video transport protocol developed originally by Haivision that optimizes streaming performance across unpredictable networks, such as the Internet, by dynamically adapting to the real-time network conditions between transport endpoints.


Converts a video file from one format to another, to make videos viewable across different platforms.


Video Stream Compression
Video compression uses coding techniques to reduce redundancy in video data. Compressing a video increases processing efficiency and decreases the overall size of the video being streamed. The Industry standard is H.264 (better known as MPEG-4).
Video on Demand (VOD)
It is a video media distribution system that allows users to access video entertainment without a traditional video entertainment device and without the constraints of a typical static broadcasting schedule.