Engagement: Status Over Time

In this topic, you will learn about Insights data about engagement status over time. These metrics will improve customer visibility and help guide company decisions.


Engagement status over time metrics allow you to quickly determine the frequency of engagement of the audience with the service provided. With this information, it's possible to create communication strategies aimed at different groups of viewers to ensure that they come back for more.

Engagement status over time

Engagement status over time metrics allow you to see the views, hours viewed, audience size, and sessions over time broken down by Engagement Status.


Quickly view a summary of engagement status over time data.

Engagement status over time
Engagement status over time

Review engagement status over time data:

  • Legend - Representation of entries on the plotted area of the engagement status over time graph
  • New - Users with a view in the last week but none in the last year
  • Engaged - Users with multiple views last month; views may not have gaps longer than 28 days from previous views
  • Re-engaged - Users with a view in the last week but no views in the prior four weeks
  • Recent - Users with no views in the last week but at least one view in the prior three weeks.
  • Idle - Users with no views in the last four weeks but at least one view in the prior eight weeks
  • Inactive - Users with no views in the last 12 weeks but at least one view in the last year
  • Dormant - Users with no views in the last year


Here are the actions that are available for this graph.

  • Click Overflow menu to download data as a CSV file or a PNG image.

    Download customer change data
  • Select a date range for your data.

    Date range
  • Select the x-axis granularity to be Day, Week or Month.

    X-axis granularity
  • Check Auto adjust to automatically change the x-axis dimension to day.
  • Hover over the legend section to see the specific data by New, Engaged, Re-engaged, Recent, Idle, Inactive, and Dormant.


  • Disinterested user
    Example 1
    Disinterested User
  • Spotty viewing
    Example 2
    Spotty viewing
  • Seasonal viewing
    Example 3
    Seasonal Viewing


Milestones track progress against your decisions and are persistent throughout each tab of the Scorecard.

Customer summary scorecard


Here are the actions that are available for the milestones section.

  • Click Expand Icon to add a new milestone.

    Download customer change data
  • Click Overflow menu to delete or edit a milestone.

    Download customer change data
  • Click Overflow menu to select which views to show.

    Download customer change data

Key metrics

The key metrics provide a unified view of your video data.

Customer summary scorecard
Key metrics

Review key metrics data:

  • Percent active subs - Percentage of your paid subscriptions active
  • Avg unique days streamed - Average unique days stramed for a user
  • Avg hours streamed per week - Average number of hours streamed per week for a user
  • WAU/MAU ratio - Weekly Active Users (WAU) as a percentage of Monthly Active Users (MAU); active users are defined as being signed in


  • Click Expand Icon to show benchmark data.
  • Click Overflow menu to download data as a CSV file or a PNG image.
    Download customer change data