Configuring Viewer ID Tracking

In this topic you will learn how to configure the Viewer ID Tracking for a player.


The Viewer ID Tracking property can be used to capture/collect viewerIDs of known users from various marketing integrations by leverages 3rd party cookie tracking.


The following requirements are needed for the Viewer ID Tracking:

  • Brightcove Player v7.18.0 or newer

Implement using Players module

To configure the Viewer ID Tracking property, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Players module.
  2. Click the link for the player you want to configure.
  3. Click Viewer ID Tracking option in the left navigation menu.
playback properties

The following integrations can be configured with this property:

Connect your Integration

Oracle Eloqua:
  • Select Eloqua
  • Enter your Account ID
  • Enter your Endpoint
  • Enter your Site ID
  • Click Save
  • Click Publish

  • Select Hubspot
  • Enter your Account ID
  • Click Save
  • Click Publish

  • Select Marketo
  • Enter your Account ID
  • Enter your Domain Level Override
  • Click Save
  • Click Publish

  • Select Salesforce
  • Click Save
  • Click Publish

  • Select Sailthru
  • Click Save
  • Click Publish

  • Select Adobe
  • Enter the Organization ID. For more information on how to locate the Organization ID, see here.
  • Click Save
  • Click Publish

  • Select Gtag
  • Click Save
  • Click Publish

  • Select Braze
  • Enter your API Key
  • Click Save
  • Click Publish

Implement using JSON Editor

To configure the Viewer ID Tracking property in the JSON Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Players module.
  2. Click the link for the player you want to configure.
  3. Click JSON Editor option in the left navigation menu.
  4. Edit the JSON Editor object to add the viewer_id_source property. It should look similar to this:
    playback properties

Here are some examples to implement all the integrations:

  • Oracle Eloqua
                "viewer_id_source": {
        "source": "eloqua",
        "endpoint": "endpointXYZ",
        "site": "siteXYZ"
  • Hubspot
                "viewer_id_source": {
        "source": "hubspot",
        "account_id": "account1234"
  • Marketo
                "viewer_id_source": {
        "source": "marketo",
        "account_id": "account1234",
        "domain_level": "1"
  • Salesforce
                "viewer_id_source": {
        "source": "salesforce"
  • Sailthru
                "viewer_id_source": {
        "source": "sailthru"
  • Adobe
                "viewer_id_source": {
        "source": "adobe",
        "marketing_cloud_org_id": "test@AdobeOrg"
  • Gtag
                "viewer_id_source": {
        "source": "gtag",
        "tag_id": "G-123"
  • Braze
                "viewer_id_source": {
        "source": "braze",
        "api_key": "123XYZ"