Server-Side: Contact Object Integration Properties

In this topic, you will learn about the different properties used for the Server-Side connection of the contact object integration.


This document details the properties used by the Server-Side connection for the contact object integration.

Registered User Export Properties

Registered User Export Properties
Label Type Description
CustomerId String Customer Id field. What this represents may differ depending on how account was configured.
firstViewDate Date Date of first view in the last 2 years.
lastViewDate Date Date of most recent view in the last 2 years.
daysSinceLastEngagement Number Date of most recent view in the last 2 years.
tenure Number Days since the first view in the last 2 years.
engagementStatus String The current engagement status of viewer. In-depth explanation of how this is calculated is illustrated in UI.
primaryDeviceLast2Years String Device with highest view count in last 2 years.
primaryDeviceLast3Months String Device with highest view count in last 3 months.
devicesUsedLast3Months String All devices used in last 3 months.
primaryLocationLast2Years String Location with highest view count in last 2 years.
primaryLocationLast3Months String Location with highest view count in last 3 months.
fanOfSeries String Series where, in the last 2 years, the viewer has watched either 10 episodes or half the episodes available.
hoursViewedLast3Months Number Sum of duration of all views in the last 3 months.
hoursViewedLast2Years Number Sum of duration of all views in the last 2 years.
mostRecentVideos String The 10 titles that were watched most recently.
mostRecentEntertainingVideos String The most recently watched 10 titles that watched at least 75% of the video.
firstWatchedVideos String The first 10 titles that were watched in the last 2 years.
genreTop3Last3Months String Top 3 genres watched in the last 3 months by view count.
genreTop3Last2Years String Top 3 genres watched in the last 2 years by view count.
entertainmentIndexLast3Months Number

Entertainment Index for views in the last 3 months.

( Satisfied views (>= 75% watched) - Dissatisfied views (<=10% watched) ) / number of videos watched

entertainmentIndexLast2Years Number

Entertainment Index for views in the last 2 years.

( Satisfied views (>= 75% watched) - Dissatisfied views (<=10% watched) ) / number of videos watched

exportContext String Set based on where the report was generated from.
segmentNames String Segments names for the segments the viewer is a part of.
segmentIds String Segments ids for the segments the viewer is a part of.