Overview: Server-side Connections

In this topic, you will learn about the Viewing Data and Contact Object integrations.


When setting up integrations, two options are available: Viewing Data and Contact Object. Depending on the needs to be covered, one option or another can be selected.

Viewing Data integration

The Viewing Data integration allows you to export event-based data at a granular level. It lets you get viewers, players, videos, and date data. For more information about the properties this export provides, see Server-Side: Viewing Data Integration Properties.

The viewing data is bound to a custom object and appended, not overwritten, on each contact sync.

Contact Object integration

The Contact Object integration types export daily data at the user level for all existing users in both MAP/CRM systems and Brightcove. For more information about the properties this export provides, see Server-Side: Contact Object Integration Properties.

Contact Integration data is bound to the contact and aggregates data at the user level. This export overwrites the existing data with the most updated records with each sync.