Creating a Sprinklr Destination

In this topic you will learn how to create a Sprinklr destination using Brightcove Social.

A publishing destination is a social media account/page that you wish to publish Video Cloud videos to. Before you can send videos to your Sprinklr account using Brightcove Social, you have to create a Sprinklr app and then a Sprinklr destination.

Creating a Sprinklr app

For more information see: Generate an API Key.

Create an app in the Sprinklr developer portal in order to get an API key/secret is a two step process.

  1. Register on sprinklr developer portal.
    • Fill the form with your personal information.
    • Register.
    • Confirm your account with your email.
  2. Register an application to generate an API key.
    • Go to Sprinklr developer portal.
    • Sign in.
    • My Account.
    • Applications.
    • Fill the fields
    • In the field Enter Callback url use this url.
    • Select the environment for wich you want to generate the API key.
    • Tick the checkbox for I agree to the terms of services.
    • On My Account you can see your application details, API key and Secret.

Creating a Sprinklr destination

Creating a Sprinklr destination when you want to send videos to Sprinklr so that you can find them in your assets library inside Sprinklr and publish them to their final destinations from Sprinklr directly. To create a Sprinklr destination, you first need to create a Sprinklr app.

  1. Open the Social Module.
  2. Click Destinations in the left navigation.
  3. Click Add Destination.
  4. Click Sign in with Sprinklr.
    add sprinklr destination
  5. Fill the fields with the information you obtained when you created your Sprinklr app.
    sign in sprinklr
  6. A dialog will open requesting permission to manage your Sprinklr account. Click Submit.
    submit sprinklr
  7. LOGIN to your Sprinklr account.
    login sprinklr
  8. Accept the terms of use and the privacy policy.
    add sprinklr destination
  9. Add.
  10. Basic information and the destination defaults will be displayed.
    add sprinklr destination
  11. Click Destinations in the left margin and confirm that the destination appears in the list of destinations. The value below the destination name is the destination ID.

Click the Destination Name to edit the destination. Click the link in the Channel/Page column to open the Sprinklr details page in another browser tab.

Setting Sprinklr defaults

The destination default values will be used as the default video properties when sending videos to Sprinklr. To configure publishing defaults for Sprinklr destination, click on the destination name and then click Edit in the Defaults for this destination section. The following video properties can be configured:

Configuring the Post Info properties

Click on the Post Info link. The following Sprinklr video properties can be set:

  • Name - Options to use the Video Cloud name or to enter a default name to use.
  • Description - Options to use the Video Cloud short or long description or to enter a default description to use.
  • Tags - Option to include, or exclude, Video Cloud tags.
  • Include Video Cloud metadata as Sprinklr tags - Option to include the video ID and reference ID as Sprinklr tags
  • Additional Tags - Option to enter additional tags for the videos sent to Sprinklr.

Configuring the Schedule properties

Click on the Schedule link and select a schedule setting:

  • Publish immediately - To publish the video immediately
  • Use Video Cloud start date - To use the Video Cloud start date set for the video. In this case, we tell Sprinklr to make the video public as of the 'Scheduled Start Date' specified in Video Cloud. If that date is in the past, Sprinklr makes the video public immediately.
  • Never expire posts - Published videos on Sprinklr don't expire if they are expired on Video Cloud.
  • Posts expire on Video Cloud end date - We tell Sprinklr to expire the videos when 'Scheduled End Date' specified in Video Cloud. If that date is in the past, Sprinklr expires the video immediately.

Configuring the Distribution properties

Click on the Distribution link and select an option:

  • Status - Status for when the videos land on Sprinklr (Draft, Approved, Expired).
  • Restricted - Select if the videos are restricted or not by default.