Client-side: MAPs Connection

In this topic, you will learn how to configure the MAP integrations in the Players module.


The MAPs section allows you to seamlessly connect your Brightcove Player to either Marketo Munchkin or Hubspot Client-Side API.

This is achieved by contacting your desired service every time a viewer reaches a certain percentile of a video using your configured Player.


This integration will send the following information over to your desired account:

  • provider=brightcove
  • videoId={VIDEO_ID}
  • account={BC_ACCOUNT_ID}
  • player={BC_PLAYER_ID}
  • timeWatched={SECONDS_WATCHED}
  • percentile={25|50|75|95}

Once set, the Player will send out calls to the respective API at the following percentiles:

  • 25%
  • 50%
  • 75%
  • 95%

Configuring the MAPs section

To Configure the MAPs integration, follow the next steps:

  1. Log in to Video Cloud
  2. Navigate to the Players Module.

  3. Select your Player

  4. Click MAPs

  5. Check Enable MAPs

  6. Choose between Marketo or Hubspot and enter your Account ID.

  7. Click Save
  8. Click Publish
  9. You can review your configuration in the plugins -> options section of the JSON editor.

Additional Notes

  • Skipping past a milestone will trigger the API for each percentile that was skipped. For example, If a viewer skips to the 80% mark of a video, the API will be called for every milestone up to that point (25%, 50%, 75%).
  • These calls are triggered once per viewing session. If a viewer returns to a previously triggered percentile, the event will not be triggered again for that session.
  • If the user rewinds and watches a portion of the video before it completes, timeWatched will continue to increment. This could lead to a larger timeWatched value than the video's duration.
  • Once the user completes a video, clicks Replay, or refreshes, then we will restart tracking as a fresh session.